The Soundtrack To My Life
Put your iPod on shuffle and write the songs that come on. No cheating!
Opening credits: Anything I'm Not by Lenka (Okay, that makes a little sense...)
Waking Up: Like a Virgin by Glee?! (What the crap?!)
First day of school: Poker Face by Lady Gaga(Maybe that makes the teeniest bit of sense)
Falling in love: Back to the start by Lily Allen (Okay, a song about jealousy... Huh?)
Fighting: Take a bow by Glee (Ack! It makes so much sense!)
Breaking up: Corner of your heart by Ingrid Michaelson (But.. This is about getting back together...)
Driving: Love Story by Taylor Swift (Whoa! Sense much?)
Flashback: Vogue by Glee (Why does everything actually make the slightest bit of sense?)
Getting back together: We are all on Drugs by Weezer (This should probably be switched with the break up song...)
Prom Night: Don't let me fall by Lenka (Hey, this makes sense!)
Wedding: You belong with me by Taylor Swift (This makes sense too!)
Birth of a child: The hat by Ingrid Michaelson (??)
Final battle: Telephone by Lady Gaga (Huh... The lyrics don't make sense, but the tune kinda does)
Death scene: Taking Chances by Glee (Strangely, this kind of fits, you know?)
Funeral: Forever and Always by Taylor Swift (Another one that strangely makes sense!)
Oh, cool! I gotta try that!