Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I love the term VP. It could stand for Vice President. Or Very Pregnant. Vaguely Pressurized. Or my favorite singer, Venetian Princess. Haha, try making a sensible sentence out of that!

The Vice President is Very Pregnant and is Vaguely Pressurized by Venetian Princess.

I recently had an odd dream. I dreamed that a friend from one of the classes I have just completed, Ariella (Of course that's not her real name, nitwit!), had set up a booth in my school. The booth was labeled "Advice; Fifty Cents."

I stopped and looked at the booth, but didn't get in line. Ariella was sitting inside the booth, calling for the next customer, when a buddy of mine from school, Sprite, went up. He sat on the stool and gave Ariella fifty cents.

Ariella listened to his question, then just sat there. Sprite asked, "So, are you going to answer my question or not?"

Ariella replied, "Oh, you wanted me to answer? I'm going to need another fifty cents." Sprite was weirded out, but he gave her the money. Now Ariella said, "I forgot the question, that'll be fifty cents if you want to say it again."

He gave her fifty cents. She said, "I've lost concentration. Seventy-five cents."

He looked at her and said, "You're just cheating me out of my money!"

She nodded and said, "I'll stop right now for ten dollars." He gave it to her, muttering under his breath. She held it up to the light and said, "It ain't legit. Shame on you for trying to counterfeit! Twenty dollars."

That's when Sprite just got up and walked away.

The funny thing is, Ariella isn't the type to do that to people. Weird. Sayonara!