Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Belong with me!

Okay, I REALLY love this song, so if you don't, I don't care!

Aah, luurve.

So, I really don't have much to say, except this: I'm going to my aunt and uncle's cabin tomorrow, so don't expect a post for a few days, okay?

I suppose I'll post the new dances I came up with now. First is Kitty Bus. The lyrics are one line above the appropriate dance moves, which are in italics, okay?

Kitty Bus Dance!

Go kitty kitty, go kiiitty kitty bus,
wave arms in a circular motion, indicating the wheels of a bus.

Go kitty kitty, go kiiitty kitty bus,
same as previous line

Go kitty kitty, go kiiitty kitty bus,
same as previous line

Run on the telephone wiiire,
continue waving arms until the end of 'telephone', then strike pose of your choice.

Smile that freaky smiiile,
wave arms until the end of 'freaky', then strike a different pose of choice.

Go kitty kitty, go kiiitty kitty bus!
wave arms until 'kiiitty', then jazz hands

... Whoo! Good news - I think Penguin's coming back soon, but Spoilsport's going to Virginia after camp, so I think I'll let Penguin write a few entries! Whaddaya think?