Sunday, September 27, 2009

Decidination... Ish... Thing...

What's decidination? Did I just make that word up?

I've made a DECISION, not a decidination, whatever that is. I'll only write a new post if there is already a comment on my last one. Unless there is an absolute emergency that absolutely requires me to write a new post, comments or no comments.

I'm trying to keep the "incident" on Friday, with the dance, out of my head. I mean, the dance was a heck of a lot of fun, but I'm a bit worried about TWWOTF's "prediction."

Oh, well. My mom got me the most comfy shirt the other day, because it was "cute," then had a fit this morning because I was wearing it as pajamas. IT'S REALLY COMFY!

MMM. I'm glad apples are back in season. I like citrus fruits better, though. Can't wait for those clementines.

I've also made another "decidination" to, the day before I go off to college, I'm going to make my mom do one last thing for me. I'll make her drive me to the nearest hair salon and have them dye my hair green. Then I can truthfully say, "SCREW THE RULES, I HAVE GREEN HAIR!"

Comment! Sayonara!