I have no homework, so I'm gonna post more of my photoshopped comics here. I'm experimenting with different formats, so they'll all look a bit different. Please tell me which is easiest to read.
As for Penguin's Halloween costume, the majority of you will support her decision; She is going as Mademoiselle Porn Star, Robin.
Now, for this first one, I didn't like the format because it is very time-consuming, and yet it still didn't look any good.
This is the next episode. Enjoy!
This was a little less time consuming, though it still isn't quite the result I want. It's better than the last one, though.
In case you're wondering, yes, Sven is a fictional character. I don't have a boyfriend in real life, though, according to TWWOTF's recent "prediction," I will soon. Ugh.
Since today was Jersey Day, I decided to make a joke of it and wear my sister's old referee uniform. As I passed them in the hall, people would shout random things like, "No, not the red card! Anything but the red card!" Really, and they think I'm nuts.
Today was also the first musical rehearsal, and it felt so weird, being in the cast! I usually join crew! I'm not at all familiar with the other people in the cast (Except for Miss Acting Buddy, someone I haven't yet introduced).
Sir Limey Pants is in the cast. So is Sir Stupidity, who happens to be Super Stupid's partner in crime. This'll be interesting.
Alrighty, since it is currently Spirit (Homecoming) Week at my school, I will now list the events of the week!
Monday(today); Slippers and Flip Flops day (Just to spite all those conservative shoe-lovers out there) Tuesday; Favvy Team Jersey Day (No, I'm not kidding) Wednesday; Clash Day (Sometimes, I think this one was made up just for the Insane Trio) Thursday; Decade Day (Each grade dresses up as the matching decade. This year, for me, it's Seventies) Friday; Blue And Gold Day (Blue and Gold are our school colors)
Today was very stressful for me, as I am a klutz and repeatedly going up and down all the staircases in our school while wearing flip flops is not an easy accomplishment.
What's decidination? Did I just make that word up?
I've made a DECISION, not a decidination, whatever that is. I'll only write a new post if there is already a comment on my last one. Unless there is an absolute emergency that absolutely requires me to write a new post, comments or no comments.
I'm trying to keep the "incident" on Friday, with the dance, out of my head. I mean, the dance was a heck of a lot of fun, but I'm a bit worried about TWWOTF's "prediction."
Oh, well. My mom got me the most comfy shirt the other day, because it was "cute," then had a fit this morning because I was wearing it as pajamas. IT'S REALLY COMFY!
MMM. I'm glad apples are back in season. I like citrus fruits better, though. Can't wait for those clementines.
I've also made another "decidination" to, the day before I go off to college, I'm going to make my mom do one last thing for me. I'll make her drive me to the nearest hair salon and have them dye my hair green. Then I can truthfully say, "SCREW THE RULES, I HAVE GREEN HAIR!"
The frist school dance was yesterday, and I danced my butt off, so I find myself today very tired.
First off, let me establish that the Gertrude Dance was not done even once, which is rather disturbing. There were so many people that we didn't have the room.
I was going to post some photoshopped pics of my friends that I took at the dance, but for some reason, blogger won't let me do it! Something about the format. That's why I'm asking for a better version of photoshop for my birthday this year. Really, my version's crappy.
Anyway, TWWOTF, who seems to think she is psychic, had a "vision" the night before last that I would meet my future boyfriend at that dance. She "predicted" that it would be someone who wasn't mentioned on my blog yet, that I would be wearing a purple dress, and that I would spill soda on his shoes.
She didn't mention the purple dress part until she arrived at the dance (she believes in fashionably lateness, I believe in rudely earliness.) and shouted, "Cranberry, I recognize that dress!"
Yes, my friends are starting to call me by my blog name. Weird.
Anyway, I rolled my eyes and said, "Not this again." She had been chattering about it all day. I turned away, then, klutzy as I am, tripped and spilled the glass of Fanta I was holding on the ground. A boy who was dancing nearby got it ALL OVER HIS SHOES. Somehow, though, he didn't get it on his very long pants. I looked up to see Schnozzy Nerd (who, indeed, I haven't mentioned on this blog), one of those cute nerds that are just so adorable you completely overlook their nerdiness.
His nose is very big, though. Quite unfortunate. But he's tall, and that's lucky.
For the rest of the evening, all of my friends kept winking and ditching me mid-dance. It got very annoying, to the point that I said, "She said we'd meet, not get together!"
It was pretty much my only defense. her entire "prediction" had come true, and all I could hope was that she'd made a mistake on the part of the "boyfriend" thing.
Whenever a slow dance came up, my friends, who haven't got any boyfriends themselves, would keep an extremely close eye on me, hoping for some action. I disappointed them by dancing with air.
To tell the truth, air is probably the best dance partner around, because you can swing it every which a way, and it never falls over. I must admit, though, I knocked down quite a few other couples during those slow dances.
At the end of the dance, my "matchmakers" still hadn't had any luck. They all gave up.
Haha, no one can make Cranberry fall in love with anyone except her treasured flagpole!
This is my fiftieth post! WHERE HAS MY LIFE GONE?!
Well, since I posted an episode of Yugioh abridged last time I encountered a milestone, I think I'll do that again!
Yugioh Abridged, episode 2!
Aah, I love that series. On to the yammering!
With Halloween coming up, my friends and I are discussing our costumes. Kitty, Penguin, Spoilsport and I are all going as One piece characters. This'll be weird.
First off, I'm going as Luffy, the main character. He's a ditz. I'm a ditz. He believes in justice. I... What?
So, yeah, I'm going as this guy. Like the vest? The shorts? The straw hat?
I don't know how this is going to work, though. I mean, I've got the personality down, and the looks, but it gets REALLY FREAKING COLD at Halloween time where I live. I guess the shorts will be okay, but that vest will be a problem.
Next is Spoilsport, who will be Zolo because she's in love with him. This makes no sense whatsoever. Zolo eats like a pig. Spoilsport is pretty much anorexic. Zolo is always asleep. Spoilsport is an insomniac.
AND he's super tall! Spoilsport's, like, half my height, let alone his!
She doesn't know the first thing about swordfighting. I mean, I'm a pretty odd case, taking swordfighting class from age four to age ten, but still! She has no speed, sneakiness, or charisma, and you need all of those to swordfight! Geez!
Aah, cosplay. The ups and downs. The doubts and certainty.
The role of Nami will be played by Kitty, because she's got the best body for it. I'm serious, she's curvy beyond compare, just like Nami. Even their hair looks alike.
Sorry about the weirdness of the picture, but it's the best I could find. The others were all fanmade weird things, so this is the one with the minimum weirdness.
So, if you've ever wondered what Kitty looks like, until I post the Halloween pics, that's the best you're gonna get.
Finally, Penguin's not sure which person she wants to be, because the rest of the characters are all pretty bizarre.
Her first choice is Robin. The problem with this one is apparent pretty much right away.
Robin always looks a lot like a porn star or something, and Penguin is very far from a porn star. Penguin is still absolutely flat.
The second problem with this one is the fact that Robin is always very serious, and Penguin never takes anything seriously.
Penguin's second choice is Sanji. Again, the problem is apparent pretty much right away.
He smokes like a maniac. And his eyebrows are really weird. NO ONE in my grade smokes, so naturally, this guy is pretty much obliterated.
He also has a personality issue, as he is hopelessly in love with every woman he meets. That means Kitty would be subjected to endless lezzie torture the whole night.
She certainly wouldn't have a problem with temperature, though. Lucky.
Next is Usopp. This problem is not quite so obvious. Or is it?
Take a look at that schnozz. Penguin has a pointy nose, but who has a nose like that?
He's an ace with a slingshot. He's also very charismatic and a good liar. He has a big heart. He's an artist.
Yeah. Not happening.
Her final choice is Chopper, a blue-nosed reindeer. This would be interesting.
He's HILARIOUS, but he's a real wimp when Usopp's not around, so unless we want to go around with a whimpering Penguin in a tiny deer costume, we'll have to give this one up.
Oh! I frogot to mention this, but Usopp's also a wimp when Chopper's not around. When Chopper's with him, he transfroms into some ultra strong protector, but at other times, he's a total pill. And Usopp was around for fourteen books before Chopper was, so THAT was torturous.
Cranberry; I have decided to let my alter egos write an entire post by themselves. I hope they don't hurt my dad's new laptop(which I am currently using). Now, to introduce them! Here's Boy!
Boy; You dragged me away from my basketball game for THIS?! My teammates NEED me, dude!
Cranberry; SHUT UP. You are not my favvy alter ego as it is, so don't bug me! Eccentric, get over here!
Eccentric; Aww, but my boyfriend and I want some alone time...
Cranberry; That is MY boyfriend, and FYI, he's a flagpole. A bit of drag during the winter, isn't it?
Eccentric; So true, so true. Flagpoles also make very quiet boyfriends. He never wants to do the Gertrude Dance with me.
Cranberry; Sigh, the letdowns of being a girlfriend to a flagpole. Now, Philosopher...
Philosopher; Ohmmmmmmm...
Cranberry; Philosopher?
Philosopher; Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Cranberry; Aww, what the crap. He's no fun anyway. He's only an alter ego of mine because he's a good excuse to wear a false beard.
Eccentric; Why don't I ever get to wear a false beard?
Cranberry; Because you're Eccentric and he's Philosopher.
Eccentric; What if you made up an alter ego that was like me with a false beard? Then I'd get to wear one.
Cranberry; Yes, but that would make you jealous of Philosopher AND yourself. Besides, I have a show to go watch now.
So, for the next day of our retreat, we had breakfast, an Arts and Crafts activity(Ohh, Spoilsport didn't make that one any fun), Rock Climbing(which I LOVED), lunch, High Ropes(which I LOVED even MORE), a photo shoot, and a long drive home.
Ours was the first girl's cabin awake(which Spoilsport and Hippity Hop weren't too happy about), so we goofed off for awhile before heading down to brekkie. Just the normal bizarre dancing and weird accents.
Brekkie was boring, as none of my friends felt like breaking the rules this early in the morning, so we were forced to eat at separate tables. I was okay with it, though, as I managed to avoid Mini-Me, who was being very grumpy for the whole trip. She even said she didn't like the Kitty Bus song! How could she?!
Arts and Crafts was quite eventful, though not in a good way, because Spoilsport ended up knocked out during what probably was the most tame of activities at the camp. The boys(and Hippity Hop and me) got bored halfway through making kaleidoscopes, so we started tossing our finished Jacob's ladders around. Mrs. 7M didn't even care until Super Stupid(a classmate that I have not yet introduced) tossed MY Jacob's ladder in the wrong direction, and it kinda hit Spoilsport in the temple. Of course, I was blamed because it was my ladder.
Rock climbing was preluded by some bizarre 'teamwork' exercise, and the counselor said we did it 'very well.' Uh-huh. The actual rock climbing, I loved, as I am an adrenaline junkie and I yearn for my feet to not touch the ground.
Lunch was like a normal lunch, for once. No one burst into song, no one randomly stood up, commanding attention, then just sat down, and no one did any obscure movie references. It was weird.
High Ropes was AMAZING, doing a bunch of courses about thirty feet or more off the ground, and I had so much fun. They even had a zip line! Just before I went on the zip line, I screamed, "WHAT WOULD CHUCK NORRIS DO?!" and everyone laughed, which was a bit troublesome for some people, as they were in the midst of crossing perilous gaps.
The photo shoot took about an hour. Don't ask me why. All they were doing was lining up the whole grade to take one big group photo.
Penguin and I played Go Fish the whole way home, talking like vampires. Some girls who were sitting behind us were cracking up every time one of us said, "No, sir, I don't have any blood. Do you?"
Every time we had free time when we were there, all of my friends would sit on a fence in a row, then, in a wave, we'd stand up and say, "How ya doin'?" so that it was a wave of "How ya doin'?"'s. People tried to avoid us, but we went to a different fence every time. Haha, loooooossssseeeerrrrrssss.
Alrighty, yesterday I was too tired to post, so here's my post about the retreat.
The blurb has an okay amount of quotes, but if you come up with any more, I'll welcome it.
So, about the retreat. I was in the same group as Spoilsport, Hippity Hop, and Mini-Me. I was in the same cabin as Spoilsport, Hippity Hop, Twin #1(Twin#2 was sick), Kitty, Horsie, TWWOTF, NoName, and Bonita.
Horsie, NoName, and Bonita have not been introduced. Horsie loves horses, NoName has no interesting characteristics, and Bonita is pretty.
We did a lot of weird classes, three on the first day, three on the second day. We all ate meals together at big, circular tables. There was one hour of free time after the last activity of the first day and before dinner. After dinner, our cabins were given a topic to compose a skit about, then we all performed them, then we did a weird contest, then an hour of random entertainment, then a campfire that I slept through.
Now the details of the first day. Our first activity was with Mr. S(panish, just a reminder), and it was the low ropes course. We did a bunch of random courses that involved ropes and blocks of wood. Not very interesting.
Next was lunch, where all of my friends and I squeezed together at one table, despite the firm reminders from our teachers that we were not supposed to pull up chairs from other tables. We really didn't care.
Our second activity of the day was The Amazing race with Mr. 7SS, which was some odd timed contest in which we were forced to run around looking for "clues". I found this to be stupid and torturous, mainly because it involved running and I'd forgotten my inhaler.
Third activity, I can't remember. So ignore it.
I spent my free time climbing a rock wall and playing tetherball with Kitty. While playing tetherball, I was given a black eye by the ball. I love that game.
Dinner was interesting, because Kitty and I were all hyped up after sadistically slugging a ball on a rope at each other, so we sang "Stop in the Name Of Love" repeatedly until Mini-Me was begging for mercy. We were very hungry after that, as it's very hard to eat pizza while singing.
Making the skit was a longer part of the evening than we expected. Our topic was "a seventh-grade teacher talkshow." It was really fun. Here were the roles;
me=host Hippity Hop= host Spoilsport= studio audience Bonita=studio audience Kitty= Mr. S NoName= Mrs. 7E TWWOTF= Mr 7S Horsie= Mr. 7SS Twin# 1= Mrs. 7M
You can only imagine the chaos that ensued. Maybe I'll post the script later.
At the campfire that I slept through, apparently a lot of existing couples often had to be pulled out of their romance by teachers, and a lot of non-existing couples got together. Apparently, according to Horsie, an idiot that isn't important enough to be named tried to ask me out while I was sleeping, thinking I would be more likely to accept if I wasn't awake. Horsie says I replied with, "No way in hell, you rotten potato." Something like that.
When we went back to our cabins(which I was woken up in order to do, of course), Mrs. F let down her hair and started talking like an actual seventh grader. After a great deal of staring, we figured out that Mrs. F is the coolest French teacher ever and became friends with her. We even told her all five of Spoilsport's crushes(against Spoilsport's will).
Mrs. F even knows every couple that is together and got together that night. I think she could name more of them than I could. I've never really caught up with all the gossip going around. It took a month after Spoilsport and her "boyfriend" broke up last year for me to figure out they had been together.
I'll put the rest of the specifics up tomorrow. Sayonara, everybody!
I am still in desperate need of funny quotes from my blog for the blurb that you see above.
Tomorrow, I go back to the wilderness. No, not with Uncle Bigfoot and Auntie Rhymie this time, but at the seventh grade retreat. The way my life goes, however, they'll end up as chaperons.
Speaking of chaperons, the first dance of the school year is on September 25th. All of my friends are coming, but most of them are going for the social reasons, not to dance. Weirdos.
During my afternoon picnic today, it was just me and Penguin. Twin #1 was there for about two seconds before she was picked up, Twin#2 was nowhere in sight, and Hippity Hop was going to join us when some boys raced by, yelling at each other, and Hippity Hop went off to join them.
Apparently, Slush Pup had stolen Stutter's book, so Stutter was kinda pissed. It resulted in a game of Keep Away, the more Stutter suffered, the more people seemed to join. Eventually Stutter got his book back, and started whacking Slush with it quite violently.
It evolved into a fight, and Stutter won (oh, the teachers pretend to get mad when they tell us not to horseplay, but when it actually happens, they turn a blind eye.). Though Slush is more clever, Stutter won because he's actually a decent height while Slush is still about four foot two.
I don't really blame anyone for not joining the picnic today. I never bring food to school because I'd much rather mooch off my friends, and all Penguin had was a packet of half-melted gum.
So, back to the topic of the seventh grade retreat. I'll only be unable to post for one day, so don't worry about losing me. Not that you people really care anyway.
I'm very sleepy, so if you don't mind, just please put your favorite quotes from the blog in a comment.
I have a request for you peoples. I want to add a little blurb at the beginning of my blog for a "taste" of my blog. You know, like some quotes or something. From the blog. If you could leave some of your favorite quotes from here in a comment or something, it would be much appreciated.
On to the blabber for today. I was having my afternoon picnic(aka waiting to be picked up with my friends) with Penguin, Hippity Hop, and Twins(just a reminder, Twin #1= self confident, and Twin#2= self concious). I don't believe you've met Hippity Hop and Twins yet, but there you go.
Hippity Hop and I were talking about how we have the same backpack when along comes Slush Pup and Sir Limey Pants(another pair of people you don't know. Slush Pup is always cool as a cucumber, hence the cool name, and Sir Limey Pants... Well, let's just stop there.) come along. Slush Pup asks us why we always do this afternoon picnic thing.
I reply, "It's because we'd rather be mooching Penguin's toffee than trying barbarically to throw each other off of a narrow garden wall." Hippity Hop, who sometimes joins in this odd undertaking, was a bit disgruntled by this statement.
Twin #2 said timidly(why am I even adding that? She's always timid), "I-if you want, you're perfectly welcome to join us..." She then looked around, realizing the mistake she'd just made. None of us really mind Slush Pup because he's so funny, but Sir Limey is always a bit of a bore.
They sat next to us, Slush Pup cracking jokes willy-nilly and Sir Limey giving Slush the googly eyes. This is why we hate hanging with Slush and Sir Limey at the same time, because it seems that everyone except Sir Limey knows that Slush is not, will not, and never has been a lime, but Sir Limey just keeps getting gayer and gayer, never giving in to the truth.
Eventually Penguin snaps and yells, "Stop it, Sir Limey Pants, because we all know that Slush doesn't swing that way and you do! No matter how much you deny it, WE ALL KNOW!"
Sir Limey gets this blank look and starts going off on a tangent about how he's not gay, it's all in our heads, and we're all just wanting to scream, "You wear guyliner, you've been seen inside H&M, and you've clearly been in love with Slush since third grade. You're limier than a lime sundae with extra limes," but we hold it in.
After Sir Limey is picked up, we just start goofing off and waiting for parents.
I have lost my purpose in life. No, not because Spoilsport's leaving. I've totally gotten over that now. We've exchanged E-mails, so things should be all right.
Nothing unusual has happened to me today. NOTHING. No dive bombing kitties. No klutzy accidents. You might say I've actually had a normal Saturday. I have not felt the inclination to do the Gertrude Dance even once today.
Uh, excuse me, what did I just say? I think I might just have spouted something SANE. Horror, horror. Wait here while I go whack myself in the head in an attempt to recover my insanity.
Ow. That didn't help at all. I guess I'll have to do the Gertrude Dance several times over in order to go back to my normal ways.
Wait, I don't want to be normal. I want to get weirder, because my life today is distinctly lacking in oddity.
I don't really feel like doing the Gertrude Dance, though.
Okay, I've got to stop that. Bad brain.
Being normal is kind of refreshing, though.
Please don't exhibit that rude behavior towards me.
Haha, That's what you get for being normal! Ow. I've got to remember that it's me I'm whacking, too.
The Condiments song. To be sung at a dinner table when conversation is lacking. Sing to the tune of The Continents song.
The Condiments song, by Cranberry
Do you know the condiments, condiments, condiments? Do you know the condiments? Yes, I do. Ketchup, mustard, tartar sauce, mayonnaise, Steak sauce, hot sauce, and relish!
Now, Thank You For The Poultry, by Penguin. This is to be sung in the same situation as The Condiments song. Sing to the tune of Thank You For The Music.
Thank You for the Poultry, by Penguin
Thank you for the poultry, the food I'm eatin' Give us back our poultry, we're really hungry! Thank you for the chicken, we need the protein The chicken's name is Chuck, so CHUCK! HIM! FARTHER!
Yeah, Penguin came up with that in Gym class today. We were playing a game that was a weird mix of soccer, hockey, and basketball. The "ball" was a rubber chicken. Penguin and I were on opposite teams(Spoilsport isn't in our Gym period, so of course she wasn't there) and every time the other's team stole the chicken, we'd yell, "GIVE US BACK OUR POULTRY!"
Halfway through the game, we randomly started calling the chicken Chuck. You can see where that lead.
About the story I'm writing... I know I'm getting good progress on it, but the vampires and werewolves theme is kinda taken right now(Even though I started it before Twilight became popular!), so I'm going to shelf that idea for now until the Twilight shenanigans has died down. I never liked that series. Horrible writing quality.
I'm going to start working on a new idea that I've had. I guess I'll put in some character bios later.
Penguin and I were talking about answering machines (don't ask how THAT came up) when we were waiting to be picked up from school today, and I came up with an INGENIOUS one. Here goes;
"Hello, Transvestites Incorporated, Severus Snape speaking. (pause) Yes, this is the Self-Help line. (pauses) Oh, great, not another Harry Potter fan. Yes, I was going from man to woman when something went wrong, and they had to stop. Now, I'm stuck with the body of a man and all the hormones and mood swings of a woman. NOW, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU REALLY WANT?! (pauses) Oh, you want to leave a message for (insert my real name here)? That's easy. Here you go(beep)."
There's one of them, and here's the other.
"IT'S ALIIIIVE! (in another voice) Yosh."
Penguin likes to say Yosh, so that's a tribute to her right there.
I should probably do my homework now, so sayonara, everybody!
I LOVE to annoy my buddy, Spoilsport, simply because she's easily annoyed. I like to play the flute, and am considering bagpipes (actually, my mom is considering MAKING me do bagpipes, but I refuse to give in). I am obsessed with manga and anime.