Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm ALIVE!!!!!!!

Eccentric; Hi! Well, Cranberry's still alive, but...

Boy; She's been banned from the computer, because of SOMETHING a certain SOMEONE did...

Eccentric; I swear, it was unavoidable!

Boy; Riiiight... Anyway, since she's still banned, today's post will be by the Egos.

Eccentric; Tech week for the musical is next week, so even if the ban is off by then, she probably won't be able to post. Neither will we, for that matter.

Boy; Eccentric?

Eccentric; What?

Boy; What's Philosopher doing?

*Both look into the corner of Cranberry's brain, where philosopher is busy meditating*

Philosopher; OOOOOOHHHHHMMMMithinkyoushouldintroducethenewEgo....

Boy; uhh, right. Cranberry has a new Ego.

Eccentric; She's a superhero!

Boy; And she's really creepy.

Eccentric; Meet SUPERGIRL!

Supergirl; I fight for liberty, justice, and enchiladas!

Philosopher; OOOOOOHHHHHMMMMIthinknachosarewaywaybetter....

*Supergirl gives Philosopher her death glare, but unfortunately for her, he has his eyes closed, so he's made immune*

Eccentric; Well, since you're the new Ego, you get to use the controls of the body for a full five minutes! After that, you will officially join the crazy scramble for power over the body.

Boy; And you'll be shut in the basement a lot.

*Supergirl takes the controls*

Supergirl; Here we go!

Eccentric; Aiyeee!

Boy; Supergirl, don't touch that! Agh, we're gonna crash!


Eccentric; I had no idea this body was capable of flying!

Boy; It's not supposed to!

Supergirl; Doesn't the body adapt to whatever the Ego using it can do?

Boy; We didn't think you were seriously a superhero!

Cranberry; *emerging from the basement* Dude, you're supposed to TRAIN her before you put her at the controls.

Supergirl; Cranberry, they're mean!

Cranberry; This is the gas. This is the brakes. This is the steering wheel. Good luck. She gets to do her five minutes over.

Rest of Egos; Rats. Sayonara!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaahahahaha!! So funny! What did you do? Oh, and how did you enjoy New Moon. I know you hate the Twilight Saga, but since Infublo said you were there, and I haven't seen it yet...
