Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Okies, so I'm all set up for school. I went to my school and went to the used book sale (and bought Spoilsport's school books, because she's too lazy to come back from her vacation to do so.). I got all my books, decorated my locker, and bothered Penguin (who happened to be there at the time.).

And now I'm bored. Again.

The day after I got back from the wilderness, I went to a third cousin's Sweet Sixteen party. Now, before I go into detail about it, let me say this; NO ONE in my family is on drugs. We all get high off our own adrenaline(Which we have a lot of).

The Sweet Sixteenee's father, when we drove up, asked my parents, "Are you thirsty? If you are, we've got a kegger out back." This being a SWEET SIXTEEN, I found this rather odd.

Instead of sixteen candles on the cake(There were thirty-seven, if you're wondering), Sixteenee's dad roasted sixteen chickens over an open fire. If you knew my family, you'd know that this means stabbing all sixteen chickens through with a HUGE stick, then pouring a lot of gasoline all over your front lawn, then setting the stick on top of the resulting fire.

I go to a very prim and proper school, so I don't have many friends who can honestly say that they have any close male relatives who have hair that grows past their shoulders. I have about fourteen.

I don't think I can tell you any more without making you start having nightmares, so I'll start on the video. I heard this song and IMMEDIATELY fell in love with it. It's Crashed the Wedding by Busted. Enjoy.


  1. well hell boy you are funny, kinda young thats why you dont apreciate that long hair, hell bess's arm pit hair is that long. jk shes lookin over my shoulder. sounds like my kida bbq tho, cept we cook hogs. now you gone and done it, bess wants me to bbq

  2. That song is actually really good. Huh. Seems kind of like a Jacob Black fantasy. That that would have happened when he went to the wedding, in Breaking Dawn. :-) Yeah, Jake. Keep dreamin'.
